!Michel Grenier!:
Yelena2 / Wista - Tachihara 8x10
!Michel Grenier!:
Yelena / Wista - Tachihara 8x10
!Michel Grenier!:
Sean / Linhof
!Michel Grenier!:
!Michel Grenier!:
!Michel Grenier!:
Linhof 8x10 — mise en œuvre / The implementation
!Michel Grenier!:
Looking out by the window
!Michel Grenier!:
We are done for four months ...
!Michel Grenier!:
Griffintown - Along the canal
!Michel Grenier!:
Griffintown Exploration
!Michel Grenier!:
Le repos du guerrier / The rest of the warrior
!Michel Grenier!:
Square Marie-Pier!
!Michel Grenier!:
Pénombre / Dim light
!Michel Grenier!:
Zombie series / At the brink of death
!Michel Grenier!:
!Michel Grenier!:
E-M5 pris avec Hasselblad / E-M5 taken with Hasselblad
!Michel Grenier!:
Joyeux Noël / Merry Xmas
!Michel Grenier!:
La tempête frappe ! / The storm strikes!
!Michel Grenier!:
Arum encadrée / Framed arum (500CM)
!Michel Grenier!:
Still life
!Michel Grenier!:
Pensive / Thoughtful
!Michel Grenier!:
Angoissant / Scary (500CM 80mm test)
!Michel Grenier!:
Kermit ? (500CM 80mm test)
!Michel Grenier!:
Fauve à l'attaque ! / Beast to attack! (Mamiya C330 + 80mm f/2.8 Sekor)
!Michel Grenier!:
O(V)Ni ? / U(F)O? (Mamiya C330 + 80mm f/2.8 Sekor)
!Michel Grenier!:
Québec, quartier St-Roch / Quebec, St-Roch
!Michel Grenier!:
Vers la perdition / Road to perdition
!Michel Grenier!:
Lys / Lily
!Michel Grenier!:
Yelena 1
!Michel Grenier!: