mieh1: team grumpy, greenpoint
mieh1: the meat hook, where the butchers always makes me blush
mieh1: oysters at walter foods sept 2011
mieh1: rain on spring street sept 2011
mieh1: manhattan sept 2011
mieh1: me in the office
mieh1: anthony and sprite revolver oct 2011
mieh1: what i love about saturdays in vancouver
mieh1: stanley park oct 2011
mieh1: near blue bottle, williamsburg
mieh1: smorgasburg ice cream sandwich
mieh1: jungle garden, williamsburg
mieh1: crest hardware store, williamsburg
mieh1: the reservoir central park, NY oct 2011
mieh1: hanging out with benda, rao and kaminsky
mieh1: knitting with sprite in montreal
mieh1: we saw this exhibition
mieh1: ben outside museum of architecture
mieh1: all my favorites!
mieh1: cafe myriade's birthday oct 2011
mieh1: anthony and colombo, friday night oct 2011
mieh1: montreal oct 2011
mieh1: montreal oct 2011
mieh1: beignets at lawrence
mieh1: anthony and some babetown bartender at the icehouse, montreal oct 2011
mieh1: burnaby lunch club with mike
mieh1: bringing aeropressing to greenpoint, brooklyn
mieh1: drew
mieh1: trevor at marlow & sons, nov 2011
mieh1: cherry, el roble, santander