S Dóvar: Six Months at the Cape
S Dóvar: Fighting the Matabele
S Dóvar: Hastings The Pirate
S Dóvar: A Little Maid
S Dóvar: In Savage Africa
S Dóvar: From Powder Monkey to Admiral
S Dóvar: The Rifle Rangers
S Dóvar: In Northern Seas
S Dóvar: British Insect Life
S Dóvar: The Cat Whose Whiskers Slipped
S Dóvar: The Cat Whose Whiskers Slipped
S Dóvar: Animal Physiology
S Dóvar: LA MER
S Dóvar: Just so Stories
S Dóvar: Birds in the Hedges
S Dóvar: Birds in the Hedges