SarahSphar: Joy
SarahSphar: She was sassy
SarahSphar: Splash
SarahSphar: Cascade
SarahSphar: It was tempting, though
SarahSphar: Church tower
SarahSphar: Flame and peppers at Pomodoro
SarahSphar: It was as good as you guys said
SarahSphar: Closing time, North End
SarahSphar: Outside having a smoke
SarahSphar: Beckoning
SarahSphar: Tasty and potent
SarahSphar: We ate here
SarahSphar: Prudential at night
SarahSphar: We watched soccer here
SarahSphar: I could live here
SarahSphar: Founding father
SarahSphar: Partners
SarahSphar: Off Charles Street
SarahSphar: Somewhat obvious
SarahSphar: No rain yet
SarahSphar: King of beers
SarahSphar: So old-tymey
SarahSphar: Ghosts, Citgo
SarahSphar: I might have drunk the Kool-Aid just a little bit
SarahSphar: HATE. IT. Hate flying.