midwestfilm: Special thanks to film critic Pat McDonald and SCREEN Magazine editor Andrew Schneider for an entertaining discussion of the Best and Worst Films of 2010 during our pre-show festivities! Photo by J. Brown Photography.
midwestfilm: Chicago Magazine has named us to their prestigious BEST OF CHICAGO list, deeming us THE PLACE TO BE AND BE SEEN FOR SEASONED PRO AND UP-AND-COMERS! Photo by J. Brown Photography.
midwestfilm: Festival director Mike McNamara introduces the Chicago Premiere of CHERRY!
midwestfilm: Special thanks to Hidden Shamrock at 2723 North Halsted for hosting our ever-popular after-party! Photo by J. Brown Photography.
midwestfilm: The Chicago Premiere of SXSW selection CHERRY!
midwestfilm: Become a festival member at midwestfilm.org! Photo by J. Brown Photography.
midwestfilm: Daufenbach Camera head Lawrence Daufenbach with film critic Pat McDonald and filmmaker David Schmudde
midwestfilm: Canon rep Ed Meyers (right) talks about the latest and greatest in camera gear with Midwest filmmakers
midwestfilm: Chicago Magazine has named us to their prestigious BEST OF CHICAGO list, deeming us THE PLACE TO BE AND BE SEEN FOR SEASONED PRO AND UP-AND-COMERS! Photo by J. Brown Photography.
midwestfilm: Our audiences enjoy a post-show Q&A with the night’s filmmakers every month! Photo by J. Brown Photography.
midwestfilm: Special thanks to film critic Pat McDonald and SCREEN Magazine editor Andrew Schneider for an entertaining discussion of the Best and Worst Films of 2010 during our pre-show festivities! Photo by J. Brown Photography.
midwestfilm: Our audiences enjoy a post-show Q&A with the night’s filmmakers every month! Photo by J. Brown Photography.
midwestfilm: The fest fought the snow and THE FEST WON! Thanks to everyone who braved the snowpocalypse and packed the house for First Tuesdays! Photo by J. Brown Photography.
midwestfilm: CHERRY co-star and Chicago actor Kirk Anderson (left)
midwestfilm: We heart all of our festival sponsors! You can say hello to them at midwestfilm.org! Photo by J. Brown Photography.
midwestfilm: FebMWF09Become a festival member at midwestfilm.org! Photo by J. Brown Photography.
midwestfilm: Special thanks to Hidden Shamrock at 2723 North Halsted for hosting our ever-popular after-party! Photo by J. Brown Photography.
midwestfilm: Become a festival member at midwestfilm.org! Photo by J. Brown Photography.
midwestfilm: Become a festival member at midwestfilm.org! Photo by J. Brown Photography.
midwestfilm: The fest fought the snow and THE FEST WON! Thanks to everyone who braved the snowpocalypse and packed the house for First Tuesdays! Photo by J. Brown Photography.
midwestfilm: Resolution Digital Studios Associate Producer Kate Henderson, filmmaker David Schmudde, Nora Best of SCREEN Magazine. Photo by J. Brown Photography.
midwestfilm: Become a festival member at midwestfilm.org! Photo by J. Brown Photography.
midwestfilm: Become a festival member at midwestfilm.org! Photo by J. Brown Photography.
midwestfilm: The fest fought the snow and THE FEST WON! Thanks to everyone who braved the snowpocalypse and packed the house for First Tuesdays! Photo by J. Brown Photography.
midwestfilm: Special thanks to Hidden Shamrock at 2723 North Halsted for hosting our ever-popular after-party! Photo by J. Brown Photography.
midwestfilm: Checking out the latest and greatest from festival sponsor Canon!
midwestfilm: Canon rep Ed Meyers (right) talks about the latest and greatest in camera gear with Midwest filmmakers
midwestfilm: Become a festival member at midwestfilm.org! Photo by J. Brown Photography.
midwestfilm: Become a festival member at midwestfilm.org! Photo by J. Brown Photography.
midwestfilm: The fest fought the snow and THE FEST WON! Thanks to everyone who braved the snowpocalypse and packed the house for First Tuesdays! Photo by J. Brown Photography.