midwestfilm: ANNABELLE & BEAR lead Olivia Walby with director Amy Weber. Photo by Heather Stumpf.
midwestfilm: Welcome to First Tuesdays with The Midwest Independent Film Festival! More pics at www.midwestfilm.org. Photo by Heather Stumpf.
midwestfilm: Ed Meyers of Canon was on hand to tell us all about Canons latest and greatest technology!
midwestfilm: Meet our festival team! Betsey Palmer, Amanda Cowper, Eric Bednarowicz
midwestfilm: Meet our new sponsor, Chicago Recording Company! Mike Gullickson (left)
midwestfilm: ANNABELLE & BEAR actor Curt Massof (center)
midwestfilm: Special thanks to Canon for sponsoring the evening! Photo by Heather Stumpf.
midwestfilm: Andrew Schneider and Nora Best of festival sponsor Screen Magazine
midwestfilm: BRING YOURSELF director/animator Dan Bigelow (right) flew in for the festival premiere of his music video!
midwestfilm: Actor Elizabeth Laidlaw with Festival Director Mike McNamara
midwestfilm: Wanna keep this festival running for years to come? Donate a buck or two online at www.midwestfilm.org! Photo by Heather Stumpf.
midwestfilm: Steve Weiss of Zacuto led the discussion during the Great Camera Shootout prior to our film program for the evening!
midwestfilm: ANNABELLE & BEAR producer Tina Weber
midwestfilm: Olivia Walby and Curt Massof, stars of ANNABELLE & BEAR
midwestfilm: Festival member Michael Issac (right)
midwestfilm: Wanna keep this festival running for years to come? Donate a buck or two online at www.midwestfilm.org! Photo by Heather Stumpf.
midwestfilm: Wanna keep this festival running for years to come? Donate a buck or two online at www.midwestfilm.org! Photo by Heather Stumpf.
midwestfilm: Canon rep Ed Meyers was on hand to field DSLR questions from the audience!
midwestfilm: Steve Weiss and Jens Bogehegn of Zacuto led the discussion during the Great Camera Shootout prior to our film program for the evening!
midwestfilm: Special thanks to Forno Diablo at 433 West Diversey for hosting our ever-popular after-party! Photo by Heather Stumpf.
midwestfilm: Special thanks to Canon for sponsoring the evening! Photo by Heather Stumpf.
midwestfilm: Special thanks to Canon for sponsoring the evening! Photo by Heather Stumpf.
midwestfilm: Festival Director Mike McNamara (left) leads the post-show discussion
midwestfilm: Special thanks to Forno Diablo at 433 West Diversey for hosting our ever-popular after-party! Photo by Heather Stumpf.
midwestfilm: Filmmakers Todd Looby (LEFTY) and Chris Charles (CHICAGO OVERCOAT)
midwestfilm: Jens Bogehegn and Sue Rapp of Zacuto. Photo by Heather Stumpf.
midwestfilm: Special thanks to Canon for sponsoring the evening! Photo by Heather Stumpf.
midwestfilm: Welcome to First Tuesdays with The Midwest Independent Film Festival! More pics at www.midwestfilm.org. Photo by Heather Stumpf.
midwestfilm: Special thanks to Canon for sponsoring the evening! Photo by Heather Stumpf.
midwestfilm: Cast and crew of ANNABELLE & BEAR