girl enchanted: four moofs for leap year 2024
girl enchanted: it is our spicy tree
girl enchanted: two redheads by the warm pool
girl enchanted: who cares??
girl enchanted: the sultry redhead
girl enchanted: day at the museum
girl enchanted: pretentious living
girl enchanted: flower gleam and glow
girl enchanted: we love everything green
girl enchanted: perdita moof
girl enchanted: does anyone remember this from their childhood ??
girl enchanted: tropical moof
girl enchanted: the carousel horse
girl enchanted: little flower
girl enchanted: sugar crepes vs apple cinnamon crepes
girl enchanted: lookit my milky salted butter caramel swirl !!
girl enchanted: dessert time in a new nice place we found by chance
girl enchanted: perdita still needs a body
girl enchanted: "this is really mean!" stomps Perdita...
girl enchanted: caramba just came back from the museum with us
girl enchanted: yyyay food delivery!
girl enchanted: green cupcake white cupcake
girl enchanted: llamas from bolivia
girl enchanted: caramba and pepito trying the alcoholic and non alcoholic margaritas
girl enchanted: watermelon margarita
girl enchanted: carambita and pepito dreaming of enchiladas...
girl enchanted: we're having lunch at a sweet chinese restaurant
girl enchanted: caramba's helmet head wig..she got tired of being a blonde...(wig belonged to my jerryberry doll)
girl enchanted: the menu was good and at a great value
girl enchanted: early blossoms (that day it was a bit too early to see the blossoms...the buds were still very small and tiny)