Christina Saull: One Team, One Mission
Christina Saull: Securing the Homeland
Christina Saull: Five Year Anniversary Logo
Christina Saull: DAR details
Christina Saull: DAR eagle
Christina Saull: DHS photographer (a Nikon guy!)
Christina Saull: guests on stage for the President's speech
Christina Saull: Secretary Elaine Chao and Mrs. Chertoff
Christina Saull: Ed Fox, head of DHS public affairs
Christina Saull: Secretaries
Christina Saull: Secretary Ridge and Secretary Chertoff
Christina Saull: sharing a laugh
Christina Saull: friends?
Christina Saull: DSC_0255
Christina Saull: DSC_0254
Christina Saull: Secretary Chertoff addresses the crowd
Christina Saull: Secretary Chertoff
Christina Saull: former Secretary Ridge
Christina Saull: former Secretary Ridge speaks at the DHS five year anniversary
Christina Saull: former Secretary Ridge speaks at the DHS five year anniversary
Christina Saull: Secretary Chertoff introduces President Bush
Christina Saull: Secretary Chertoff introduces President Bush
Christina Saull: Secretary Chertoff gives President Bush a round of applause
Christina Saull: President Bush soaks in the applause
Christina Saull: President Bush speaks during the DHS fifth anniversary ceremony
Christina Saull: President Bush speaks during the DHS fifth anniversary ceremony
Christina Saull: President Bush speaks during the DHS fifth anniversary ceremony
Christina Saull: President Bush speaks during the DHS fifth anniversary ceremony
Christina Saull: President Bush speaks during the DHS fifth anniversary ceremony
Christina Saull: President Bush speaks during the DHS fifth anniversary ceremony