Lothlorien93: Have no idea what this is....but sure is pretty....My dear friend Victoria tells me it's called "Quaker Ladies"..
Lothlorien93: Ok, did some more research....this is either a Black Vulture or a Buzzard....They fly in groups of 3 over the farm fields....Thank you CT_stitcher..
Lothlorien93: Woodpecker-Flicker-Bluejay box I made. There's a good 2" of wood shavings in the bottom of the box..
Lothlorien93: Goldfinch
Lothlorien93: My Wren that sings so sweetly
Lothlorien93: Nuthatch
Lothlorien93: 1 of a family of 6 that live in our trees..
Lothlorien93: IMG_0439
Lothlorien93: IMG_0440
Lothlorien93: Chippie
Lothlorien93: Goldfinch
Lothlorien93: Mr. Cardinal
Lothlorien93: Titmice
Lothlorien93: One of my many precious Chipmunks
Lothlorien93: more Goldfinches on the nijer sock.
Lothlorien93: Winterberry
Lothlorien93: Viburnum
Lothlorien93: Viburnum....another native bush..
Lothlorien93: more Viburnum..
Lothlorien93: IMG_0485
Lothlorien93: Bunchberry..another native plant..
Lothlorien93: male Goldfinch
Lothlorien93: Male & Female Goldfinches
Lothlorien93: Fell from my Red maple, probably squirrels..
Lothlorien93: Female Goldfinch
Lothlorien93: Female Downy woodpecker
Lothlorien93: Chickadee on the nijer sock.
Lothlorien93: Chickadee on the nut feeder.