Lothlorien93: Azalea pretty Coral color..my favorite we have. 2013
Lothlorien93: Hostas.....Sum & Substance & Blue Angels....they've since been dug up & moved to the shade garden out back...There used to be a very tall row of white pine trees all along this side, which is why they were planted here...
Lothlorien93: Japanese Maple Bloodgood. We took this baby with us when we moved here.......2013
Lothlorien93: Rododendren
Lothlorien93: orchid...Birthday present!
Lothlorien93: Wegeilia getting ready to pop
Lothlorien93: Rhodondendron #2
Lothlorien93: Knockout Rose (first year)
Lothlorien93: Clematis ( first year)
Lothlorien93: Clematis #1 It's a pretty pale Lavender..
Lothlorien93: Carpet Rose Amber
Lothlorien93: Rose bush
Lothlorien93: Pink Rose #2
Lothlorien93: My favorite, Pink Roses.
Lothlorien93: Lily #2
Lothlorien93: Joe Pye Weed. Butterflies & Hummers love it.........Have since moved this to the slope because it was taking over the bed..2014
Lothlorien93: About time to be replaced....Do you see where the Grey squirrels chewed the wood by the entrance? Also the front of the roof....
Lothlorien93: These were purchased in 1 gallon pots a few years after we moved in...there's a rock wall that borders all the way down that side of the property....Chippies love it..
Lothlorien93: One of DH's Grasses
Lothlorien93: planted on either side of the bridge..
Lothlorien93: Begonias I've had for years.
Lothlorien93: Do you see the predator guard I made for the entrance hole. Metal sheeting to keep it dry in winter.
Lothlorien93: Made with scrap wood, twigs, bark
Lothlorien93: You can see the predator guard better in this one. Raccoons have a habit of reaching in for the baby birds. Squirrels chew the hole bigger to take over the box.
Lothlorien93: My Son made this one when he was little, I keep putting it back together and repainting it.
Lothlorien93: This is the old hag.
Lothlorien93: 1 of a family of 6 that live in our trees..
Lothlorien93: Female Goldfinch
Lothlorien93: IMG_0439