MidCentArc: Knoll (SOM) - HJ Heinz Co - Executive Office - Pittsburgh, PA 1959
MidCentArc: anshen & allen - lawrence hall of science (demars_kahn, louis_saarinen_som AR-1963-0214
MidCentArc: anshen & allen - lawrence hall of science (demars_kahn, louis_saarinen_som AR-1963-0215
MidCentArc: bunshaft & netsch - som - usaf academy chapel PA-1957-0993
MidCentArc: bunshaft & netsch - som - usaf academy chapel PA-1957-0994
MidCentArc: bunshaft & netsch - som - usaf academy chapel PA-1957-0995
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MidCentArc: new york intl airport (idlewild) - som (skidmore, owings & merrill) - first national city bank - life19610922 ph
MidCentArc: som (bunshaft) - connecticut general life bldg - ppg ad the-saturday-evening-post-1958-02-15_0054
MidCentArc: som (bunshaft) - mfrs trust co bldg AR-1953-106
MidCentArc: som (bunshaft) - mfrs trust co bldg AR-1953-107