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Sophie's World by micky mb
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micky mb
Hi, my name is Sophie
micky mb
Sophie in the mirror
micky mb
Here, let me get that shoelace for you...
micky mb
Sophie was the creative one, I just took the shot..
micky mb
I can run like the wind...can't catch me!
micky mb
micky mb
micky mb
The navigator
micky mb
What do you mean, "spoiled"? Do I look like I'm spoiled?
micky mb
micky mb
It was such a tough game
micky mb
The Texas Rangers ~ The Winning Pitch!!!!!
micky mb
Things I've learned from my dog
micky mb
The uncropped version
micky mb
Merry Christmas!
micky mb
It's a Wild, Wacky, Wonderful, Westie, Winter, Wednesday
micky mb
Sophie Strip 1
micky mb
Sophie Strip 2
micky mb
what's black and white and red all over?
micky mb
Mug Shot
micky mb
Westie Wednesday
micky mb
Oh... Hello there!
micky mb
Alright! Here it is... Dogs in the City.
micky mb
Drat! It's a rerun!
micky mb
Merry Christmas
micky mb
I want to play too.
micky mb
Hiding Out