mick.pell@btinternet.com: Cutting the cake
mick.pell@btinternet.com: I'm forever blowing bubbles
mick.pell@btinternet.com: Caroline testing the make-up
mick.pell@btinternet.com: Caroline testing the makeup
mick.pell@btinternet.com: Suzanne preparing the cake
mick.pell@btinternet.com: Dress and shoes
mick.pell@btinternet.com: Wedding Breakfast Menu
mick.pell@btinternet.com: Caroline and Mick
mick.pell@btinternet.com: Caroline's mum putting her necklace on
mick.pell@btinternet.com: Me and my bestman Pete enjoying a pre-match beer
mick.pell@btinternet.com: Top table Sydney where we got engaged
mick.pell@btinternet.com: pinning the corsage on my mum