mickmct: Turkish Knight builds himself up for combat
mickmct: Even the TV anchorman couldn't believe it
mickmct: Still at it
mickmct: Another St George strutts his stuff
mickmct: Another St George strutts his stuff
mickmct: An original St George strutts his stuff
mickmct: Insert Name Here Mummers Carshalton 28 Dec 2009 002
mickmct: Insert Name Here Mummers Carshalton 28 Dec 2009 001
mickmct: Old Father Christmas
mickmct: That'll learn you to come into the pub when the Mummers are in full flow.
mickmct: Honest, it's part of the plot for Big head and Little Wits to read his lines
mickmct: Father Chrismas with his head on fire.
mickmct: Insert Name Here Mummers Carshalton 28 Dec 2009 020
mickmct: Four pints of bitter and a packet of pork scratchings please
mickmct: This fingter's loaded and I'm not afraid to use it!
mickmct: Long Live the Republic!
mickmct: Insert Name Here Mummers Carshalton 28 Dec 2009 014
mickmct: Insert Name Here Mummers Carshalton 28 Dec 2009 013
mickmct: Insert Name Here Mummers Carshalton 28 Dec 2009 012
mickmct: Don't mock..The waistcoat fits where it touches
mickmct: He's rehearsing
mickmct: I didn't want to be Humpty Jack...I'm a thespian, I was made for better things