mickmassie: Horse Chestnut - Aesculus hippocastanum.
mickmassie: Meripilus giganteus - Giant Polypore
mickmassie: Mainly Birch woodland - Trent Park.
mickmassie: Pleurotus ostreatus - Oyster Mushroom
mickmassie: Oyster fungus. Pleurotus ostreatus.
mickmassie: Vespa crabro - Hornet (m).
mickmassie: Fungi. Mycena sp.
mickmassie: Hornbeam. The Moat.
mickmassie: The Moat
mickmassie: Trent Park
mickmassie: Horse Chestnut - Aesculus hippocastanum.
mickmassie: A 'glacial stream' through London Clay with a tributary of Merryhills Brook (Salmon's Brook - River Lea). The valley was cut by meltwater following the Anglian Glaciation around 400,000 years ago. TQ283967.
mickmassie: A 'glacial stream' through London Clay with a tributary of Merryhills Brook (Salmon's Brook - River Lea). The valley was cut by meltwater following the Anglian Glaciation around 400,000 years ago. TQ283967.
mickmassie: A stream formed where pre-Anglian Glaciation Dollis Hill Gravel (c. 500k years ago) sits on top of 50Ma London Clay. TQ285969.
mickmassie: Old Hornbeam in 50Ma London Clay at the fish ponds. Sediments laid down in an Eocene tropical sea. TQ288974
mickmassie: A bridge over a stream that originates in Dollis Hill Gravel, here crossing London Clay with the sandier Claygate Member overlain by Dollis Hill Gravel at the Obelisk.
mickmassie: Middle Jurassic pure oolitic limestone used to build the Obelisk.
mickmassie: A line of oaks where glacial till sits on top of Dollis Hill Gravel.
mickmassie: Springs emerge where Dollis Hill Gravel sits on Claygate Beds and London Clay. TQ299973.
mickmassie: A 'glacial stream' through London Clay with a tributary of Merryhills Brook (Salmon's Brook - River Lea). The valley was cut by meltwater following the Anglian Glaciation around 400,000 years ago. TQ283967.
mickmassie: A 'glacial stream' tributary of Merryhills Brook - Salmon's Brook - River Lea. The valley was cut by meltwater following the Anglian Glaciation around 400,000 years ago.
mickmassie: Dollis Hill Gravels - including quartzite and flint pebbles of various colours, including these rounded red ones.
mickmassie: Clitocybe geotropa
mickmassie: Cuphophyllus virgineus. Was Hygrocybe virginea. Snowy Waxcap. A 'Bottomley'.
mickmassie: Parasola (Coprinus) plicatilis ?
mickmassie: Next to a pond
mickmassie: Podoscypha multizonata
mickmassie: Podoscypha multizonata
mickmassie: Red Admiral - Vanessa atalanta
mickmassie: Mycena cf. maculata