mickmassie: Nearby Chalk Farm, nothing to do with chalk, this area is London Clay.
mickmassie: Adelaide Road Nature Reserve is the green area in th middle distance. Much of the wooded area to the right of the tracks is not part of the reserve, and will be lost to HS2.
mickmassie: George Hounsome dictating notes like Kim Jong-un.
mickmassie: The slope down to the pond.
mickmassie: A pollinator Syrphid on a dandelion comes to an end, courtesy of a cryptic Misumena vatia
mickmassie: Tommy Root explains galling on hawthorn
mickmassie: A bug hotel in too shady a position.
mickmassie: A hopeful Misumena vatia on Periwinkle
mickmassie: Just outside the reserve, Andrena fulva makes the most of the dandelions on a lawn.