MickiP65: Day 163: Just An Old Barn and Truck
MickiP65: A Scene Outside Mom Pearson's
MickiP65: A Friend's Cat
MickiP65: Day 69: Gilchrist County Courthouse
MickiP65: Osprey on the Boat Ride Down the Lower Suwannee
MickiP65: Osprey on the Boat Ride Down the Lower Suwannee
MickiP65: Blue-eyed Grass
MickiP65: Day 54: Kitty....
MickiP65: Donkey at the Fence
MickiP65: Donkey at the Fence
MickiP65: King
MickiP65: Donkey at the Fence
MickiP65: A Confused Northern Mockingbird
MickiP65: A Scene Outside Mom Pearson's
MickiP65: Blue-eyed Grass
MickiP65: A Friend's Cat
MickiP65: Black Skimmers
MickiP65: Blue-eyed Grass
MickiP65: Day 87: It's Getting Late, and I Need to Take a Picture...