micketymoc: Minnette smiles like a Cheshire cat.
micketymoc: MV Spirit of Manila.
micketymoc: The adventure starts here.
micketymoc: Our host for the trip.
micketymoc: MV Bay Cruiser - our ride.
micketymoc: On board the tranvia.
micketymoc: Lanai at the Corregidor Inn.
micketymoc: Numbered.
micketymoc: Our bedroom in the Corregidor Inn.
micketymoc: Free Choc-Nuts!
micketymoc: The view from our room.
micketymoc: Corregidor Inn.
micketymoc: The Inn's pool.
micketymoc: Help?
micketymoc: The Corregidor tranvias.
micketymoc: Welcome to Corregidor Inn!
micketymoc: "The Rock"? "The Swiss Cheese", more like.
micketymoc: Another cave.
micketymoc: How they found the Japanese cemetery.
micketymoc: Armando tells us about "suicide boats".
micketymoc: White phosphorus is no cakewalk.
micketymoc: Incense offerings at the Japanese memorial.
micketymoc: Statue of Guan Yin.
micketymoc: Valuable find.
micketymoc: Entrance to Battery Way.
micketymoc: Among the guns.
micketymoc: It's not the size, but how you use it.
micketymoc: Plaque at Battery Way.
micketymoc: The ordnance storehouses.
micketymoc: Our Dr. Strangelove moment.