micilin: entering Park City, Utah
micilin: Park City Skyline
micilin: stockin up
micilin: a PIB in beige! is still a PIB
micilin: Eric bogarting the chips
micilin: jam packed
micilin: Whiskey River... take my mind
micilin: our Scotch sommalier
micilin: connoisseurs choice
micilin: 3 green bottles
micilin: St. Magdalene 19 year old
micilin: bring it on!
micilin: preparing for the snow treck
micilin: making props out of sox
micilin: shlepping through the snow... with a one-man open sleigh... o'er the hills we go... laughin all the way... HA HA HA
micilin: City Slicker on the slopes
micilin: making water
micilin: nearly teatime
micilin: kettle's boiled
micilin: hey presto!
micilin: not fire proof gloves
micilin: thawing out
micilin: home is where the hearth is...
micilin: snow tea delight
micilin: waiting for the sun
micilin: Incinerator and a poop cone
micilin: Firey Deuce - The Album cover