Michel Ventri: found objects #architecture
Michel Ventri: late replies #architecture
Michel Ventri: all your unscaled plazas divide #architecture
Michel Ventri: empty vitrines of #architecture
Michel Ventri: measured angling in a quiet #architecture
Michel Ventri: your #architecture remains illusive
Michel Ventri: our paths never converge in this #architecture
Michel Ventri: a constancy of form in #architecture
Michel Ventri: parallels conspire into an #architecture
Michel Ventri: an #architecture of forgotten turns
Michel Ventri: outside ourselves #architecture
Michel Ventri: unqualified boundary #architecture
Michel Ventri: five time forks derive a new #architecture
Michel Ventri: their unseen arrival altered the scale of distances in #architecture
Michel Ventri: your reverse gaze left our geometry an untouched #architecture
Michel Ventri: this strong entanglement of local gravity and wind soon rushes away under your flitting gaze #architecture
Michel Ventri: the journey out to the building, Squared Glimpse 8, the second time wasn't any shorter #architecture
Michel Ventri: before they were taken by the sky #architecture
Michel Ventri: soon they were only a circle expanding into numberless shadows of #architecture
Michel Ventri: without them we had only our middles as support #architecture
Michel Ventri: they unpacked nothing, after their arrival #architecture
Michel Ventri: assemble the arrayed #architecture collectors along the spectral lines of decay
Michel Ventri: they lifted off surface before the countdown even began #architecture
Michel Ventri: iterative processes using second generation initiators cause #architecture
Michel Ventri: a conversation of contextual contingencies in #architecture
Michel Ventri: ongoing systems of increased complexity order #architecture
Michel Ventri: a rapid rise in punctuated changes of instantaneous #architecture
Michel Ventri: emergent morphologies cresting in bilateral #architecture
Michel Ventri: dismantling the #architecture of the inner-system ecliptic, again
Michel Ventri: for what happens in your corner of #architecture forked space