michellerlee: Night market
michellerlee: Night market
michellerlee: Fanny ice cream
michellerlee: Ben Thanh Market
michellerlee: Meats and veggies on a stick
michellerlee: Shellfish
michellerlee: Banyan tree
michellerlee: Creative landscaping
michellerlee: Cute kids in front of Saigon Central Post Office
michellerlee: Saigon Central Post Office
michellerlee: Trung Nguyen Coffee
michellerlee: Vietnamese coffee
michellerlee: Coffee latte with grass jelly
michellerlee: Street construction
michellerlee: View from Bitexco Financial Tower
michellerlee: View from Bitexco Financial Tower
michellerlee: Grilled banana in sticky rice rolls
michellerlee: Banh mi
michellerlee: Banh mi
michellerlee: Binh Tay Market
michellerlee: Binh Tay Market
michellerlee: Dragon
michellerlee: Binh Tay Market
michellerlee: Balloons on a motorbike