michellerlee: Drinking chocolate
michellerlee: Tiramisu
michellerlee: Menelaus supporting the body of Patroclus
michellerlee: Benvenuto Cellini's Perseus with the Head of Medusa
michellerlee: The Rape of Polyxena
michellerlee: Palazzo Vecchio
michellerlee: Hercules beating the Centaur Nessus
michellerlee: One of the Medici Lions
michellerlee: Hercules and Cacus
michellerlee: Giambologna's The Rape of the Sabine Women
michellerlee: Pasta
michellerlee: Lunch
michellerlee: Ghiberti's Gates of Paradise
michellerlee: Florence Cathedral
michellerlee: Horse carriage
michellerlee: Fruit juice stand
michellerlee: Apricots
michellerlee: Pears
michellerlee: Along the Arno River
michellerlee: Ponte Vecchio
michellerlee: Hermitage Hotel
michellerlee: Arno River
michellerlee: Locks of love
michellerlee: Across the Ponte Vecchio bridge
michellerlee: Acqua Al 2
michellerlee: Water fountain
michellerlee: Archway
michellerlee: Arno River at Dusk
michellerlee: Arno River at Dusk
michellerlee: Gelato