michellelsc: Everything's underconstruction 4
michellelsc: Everything's under constructions
michellelsc: Everything's under construction
michellelsc: Everything's under construction
michellelsc: LSC's in Beijing again
michellelsc: Where am I
michellelsc: Tree and the sun are always my favorites
michellelsc: 秋天了呢
michellelsc: Lomo embassy
michellelsc: LSC's going Lomo
michellelsc: 窗里窗外
michellelsc: 走走停停
michellelsc: 京城的寂寥
michellelsc: 上海的寂寥
michellelsc: 好宽的自行车道
michellelsc: 为了追逐这日出
michellelsc: 出租自行车都这么漂亮
michellelsc: 金融街的圣诞
michellelsc: 还是北京八中那宏伟的体育场
michellelsc: Hotel room in the morning
michellelsc: Home, home, sweet home
michellelsc: I broke my mirror
michellelsc: Card game with friends
michellelsc: Hotel room in the morning
michellelsc: Out of my window
michellelsc: Hotel room in the morning
michellelsc: Long exposure
michellelsc: Bloody red lights
michellelsc: On my way home