Michelle Fabio: Peanut butter cookies for Santa
Michelle Fabio: Cookies and stripes
Michelle Fabio: Official 2008 Bleeding Espresso Gingerbread House
Michelle Fabio: Lights on the Corso
Michelle Fabio: Nativity scene
Michelle Fabio: Menagerie
Michelle Fabio: Tree topper
Michelle Fabio: Puppy in a stocking
Michelle Fabio: Hearting Christmas
Michelle Fabio: My favorite Christmas poem
Michelle Fabio: Cookies and their temporary home
Michelle Fabio: Stacks of chocolate chip cookies
Michelle Fabio: It's getting hot in here
Michelle Fabio: Baby albero di Natale
Michelle Fabio: Stella di Natale
Michelle Fabio: Cheap but cute glittery star
Michelle Fabio: Snowman with tree on tree
Michelle Fabio: Nutcracker
Michelle Fabio: View of the kitchen
Michelle Fabio: On the mantle
Michelle Fabio: Fancy stocking the second
Michelle Fabio: Fancy stocking the first
Michelle Fabio: Candy canes
Michelle Fabio: Buone feste!
Michelle Fabio: Fiamme e fuoco
Michelle Fabio: Star light, star bright
Michelle Fabio: Auguri a tutti!
Michelle Fabio: Happy New Year!
Michelle Fabio: Pine cone scene