Michelle Crowley Photography: Coumeenoole Beach Slea Head Kerry
Michelle Crowley Photography: Coumeenoole Beach
Michelle Crowley Photography: The wonderful Slea Head Drive in Kerry
Michelle Crowley Photography: Dunquin Pier Kerry
Michelle Crowley Photography: 50 shades of grey..... Slea head drive
Michelle Crowley Photography: Anascaul Lake, on the Dingle peninsula
Michelle Crowley Photography: Anascaul lake, Kerry
Michelle Crowley Photography: View of Mount Brandon on a sunny but cold spring day :)
Michelle Crowley Photography: Coumeenoole Beach, Slea head, Dingle, Kerry
Michelle Crowley Photography: Looking down onto Clogher Strand on the Slea Head Drive in Kerry. Just catching a glimpse of the snow capped Mount Brandon in the distance.
Michelle Crowley Photography: Slea Head Drive, Dingle, Kerry.
Michelle Crowley Photography: Slea Head Drive, Dingle, Kerry
Michelle Crowley Photography: Slea Head Drive, Dingle Peninsula, Kerry
Michelle Crowley Photography: Aqua waves in Coumeenoole beach
Michelle Crowley Photography: Dunquin, Kerry. The sleeping giant lies off the coast :)