Michelle Crowley Photography: Secret garden perhaps?
Michelle Crowley Photography: Inside looking out or outside looking in?
Michelle Crowley Photography: To keep someone in or out?
Michelle Crowley Photography: Hook Head lighthouse window Ireland
Michelle Crowley Photography: What's on the other side?
Michelle Crowley Photography: Door to the castle
Michelle Crowley Photography: At the ruins of Carrigafoyle castle kerry
Michelle Crowley Photography: Killegy mortuary chapel
Michelle Crowley Photography: What would they say if they could speak?
Michelle Crowley Photography: Windows of Burncourt Castle
Michelle Crowley Photography: An old chapel door
Michelle Crowley Photography: Abandoned Church window
Michelle Crowley Photography: Beautiful old gate
Michelle Crowley Photography: Once a place of worship
Michelle Crowley Photography: And what is through the circle window today?
Michelle Crowley Photography: Imagine what's behind this door!
Michelle Crowley Photography: The door to the castle. Tullynally.
Michelle Crowley Photography: Lismore Castle door
Michelle Crowley Photography: Autumn through the Friary window
Michelle Crowley Photography: Where is this leading to?
Michelle Crowley Photography: A bit like Alice in Wonderland!