Michelle Crowley Photography: And the band played on.....
Michelle Crowley Photography: Secret garden perhaps?
Michelle Crowley Photography: Life conquers all!
Michelle Crowley Photography: Hanging in there!
Michelle Crowley Photography: Coloured stairway
Michelle Crowley Photography: Old railway signal lamps
Michelle Crowley Photography: One of the living quarters in Charles Fort, Kinsale, Cork
Michelle Crowley Photography: Ornate street light with a touch of modern day tech
Michelle Crowley Photography: Old stone crucifix
Michelle Crowley Photography: Inisheer, the real old Ireland!
Michelle Crowley Photography: Nostalgic moment!
Michelle Crowley Photography: Knock at the knocker?
Michelle Crowley Photography: Imagine what's behind this door!
Michelle Crowley Photography: Scrub-a-dub-dub... what were three men doing in a tub anyway??
Michelle Crowley Photography: This is the original pier where the tenders took passengers out to the Titanic where she waited in Cork harbour for her last passengers to board
Michelle Crowley Photography: Old mooring post dating back to 1912