MichelleBrighton: Monsoon season
MichelleBrighton: Can I talk to you about my country?
MichelleBrighton: Time to reflect
MichelleBrighton: Tending the lillies
MichelleBrighton: Day's work done
MichelleBrighton: To the temple
MichelleBrighton: Offering shop
MichelleBrighton: Guarding the hill
MichelleBrighton: Garden seat
MichelleBrighton: Catching up
MichelleBrighton: Heart of the hill
MichelleBrighton: Evening revery
MichelleBrighton: Man and his cats on the hill
MichelleBrighton: Playing on the hill
MichelleBrighton: Bottom of the hill
MichelleBrighton: Housefront
MichelleBrighton: Rainy afternoon
MichelleBrighton: Mandalay crossroad
MichelleBrighton: Washing line
MichelleBrighton: Mandalay hill
MichelleBrighton: Mandalay Hill