michellebainshoots: Week 1 - Vision - Look Ahead
michellebainshoots: Week 2 - Composition - Colour Harmony
michellebainshoots: Week 3 - Technical - Full Manual
michellebainshoots: Week 4 - Creative - Quiet Moment
michellebainshoots: Week 5 - Wildcard - Photographers Choice
michellebainshoots: Week 6 - Vision - Alternating Rhythm
michellebainshoots: Week 7 - Composition - Fill the Frame
michellebainshoots: Week 8 - Technical - Zoom Burst
michellebainshoots: Week 9 - Creative - Forsaken
michellebainshoots: Week 10 - Vision - Selective Colour - Image 1
michellebainshoots: Week 11 - Composition - Negative Space
michellebainshoots: Week 12 - Technical - Macro
michellebainshoots: Week 13 - Creative - Leading Lines
michellebainshoots: Week 14 - Vision - Triptych
michellebainshoots: Week 15 - Composition - Rule of Space