Michelle 217: Getting Ready at Gild Hall
Michelle 217: MG-26SEP2009-Cuenco-4114
Michelle 217: Getting Ready
Michelle 217: Ceremony
Michelle 217: MG-26SEP2009-Cuenco-4167
Michelle 217: Ringbearer Haydn
Michelle 217: Ceremony
Michelle 217: Geoff's parents
Michelle 217: Bridesmaids
Michelle 217: Ceremony
Michelle 217: Father Meehan
Michelle 217: Ceremony
Michelle 217: Ceremony
Michelle 217: Receiving Line
Michelle 217: Grandma and Grandpa
Michelle 217: Receiving Line
Michelle 217: 4053629798_413d880bce_o
Michelle 217: Bubbles
Michelle 217: outside the Church
Michelle 217: Geoff and the Groomsmen
Michelle 217: Bouquets
Michelle 217: Bride & Groom
Michelle 217: MG-26SEP2009-Cuenco-4449
Michelle 217: MG-26SEP2009-Cuenco-4489