Michelle Elaine.: Day 29 **Explore Hidden Corners**
Michelle Elaine.: Day 4 outake
Michelle Elaine.: Day 58 Prairie Heart
Michelle Elaine.: Day 45 *no man's land*
Michelle Elaine.: Upside down.
Michelle Elaine.: Window Seat
Michelle Elaine.: Portraiture
Michelle Elaine.: The Couple (desat. edit)
Michelle Elaine.: The sitting room
Michelle Elaine.: I heart dandilions
Michelle Elaine.: Lavender Love
Michelle Elaine.: Violet valley
Michelle Elaine.: scree scape
Michelle Elaine.: Day 40 . joy
Michelle Elaine.: Day 72 .the voice in my head.
Michelle Elaine.: Day 105 *I said goodbye to the mountains today*
Michelle Elaine.: Day 80 .so let the sun shine in.