Mi-Fo-to: Cicogna con Renault 4
Mi-Fo-to: Divieto di accesso
Mi-Fo-to: Let me dream
Mi-Fo-to: Il sole ritorna ma non il tempoThe sun returns but not the time
Mi-Fo-to: Minimal living
Mi-Fo-to: Street of light(s)
Mi-Fo-to: Evening sky
Mi-Fo-to: Coloured lights in the darkness
Mi-Fo-to: Baskets vendor
Mi-Fo-to: Blue blob
Mi-Fo-to: Liquid landscape
Mi-Fo-to: Synchronized swimming
Mi-Fo-to: Prisoner of beauty
Mi-Fo-to: suspicious girl
Mi-Fo-to: Help me
Mi-Fo-to: Nobody considers me...
Mi-Fo-to: A new start
Mi-Fo-to: A lantern to find...
Mi-Fo-to: Do not stay and watch as the earth burn!
Mi-Fo-to: Speechless
Mi-Fo-to: Return to nature
Mi-Fo-to: Replacement
Mi-Fo-to: Different views
Mi-Fo-to: Tattoo art?
Mi-Fo-to: Wall character
Mi-Fo-to: Bruno Pedrosa
Mi-Fo-to: In the window
Mi-Fo-to: Il ponte romano
Mi-Fo-to: A perspective (emptiness)