{michele}: Cultural Enigma
{michele}: LE Project 52: Assignment Forty Four: "Portrait with 1 Prop"
{michele}: Kristopher - Senior Session 6-5-10
{michele}: waiting....watching....
{michele}: I'm on the hunt I'm after you
{michele}: Tuesday's child is full of Grace
{michele}: Simply Kelly
{michele}: I've got a brand new attitude and I'm gonna wear it tonight
{michele}: Fallyn
{michele}: She'll lead you down a path
{michele}: Never be afraid to sit awhile and think
{michele}: Rock of Ages...Cleft for Me
{michele}: The Lovely Trai
{michele}: The Lovely Trai in Black and White
{michele}: When you look into her eyes
{michele}: Inside, the cathedral is a Gothic forest dappled in violet twilight and vast with quiet.
{michele}: We send space shuttles to the moon and Mars but we know so little about our own planet.
{michele}: If I had to choose, I would rather have birds than airplanes.
{michele}: Having fun on the swings
{michele}: Look out boys, there's a new sheriff in town
{michele}: The man in black always gets the girl
{michele}: You've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel lucky?' Well, do ya punk?