Stuffbymichele: Christmas Sweaters
Stuffbymichele: Poppy gets a gift
Stuffbymichele: Merry Christmas!
Stuffbymichele: IMG_3838
Stuffbymichele: IMG_3836
Stuffbymichele: Ugly sweater contest - Barbie Michele style!
Stuffbymichele: Thank you, darling! I finally took a photo!
Stuffbymichele: DSCF3013
Stuffbymichele: DSCF3016
Stuffbymichele: A Touch of Frost Eugenia
Stuffbymichele: Rabbids!
Stuffbymichele: Rabbids 2
Stuffbymichele: Oops - forgot about this one
Stuffbymichele: Red Coat
Stuffbymichele: TYS Poppy Parker
Stuffbymichele: Poppy and JD
Stuffbymichele: New Kitchen
Stuffbymichele: Enhanced Poppy
Stuffbymichele: New Backdrop
Stuffbymichele: The Doctor in the Library
Stuffbymichele: New Doll Stand
Stuffbymichele: More Minions!
Stuffbymichele: Minions and Minions
Stuffbymichele: New Room
Stuffbymichele: New Room - Behind the Scenes
Stuffbymichele: I need more Minions!
Stuffbymichele: I made a lamp!