jean-claude DEVAUX: Gallus gallus domesticus
unjourquilfaisaitnuit: Lève les yeux
madras91: Waiting for a taxi
Tormar Johnson: visible gas pump...
AnSeGl: Sunset rays
Steffen Brüggemann: The beach walk - Mauritus
Blackheartpicture: Inexplicably Truthful
tagois: Gröna Lund
Fabio Cecchin: Interiors.
Manolo - Papá Pitufo: Octubre dorado - Golden October
Yasuyuki Oomagari: Conductor and musicians.
Sylvie M M: Mélancolie
SLCheng21: Right under Arc de Triomphe at blue hour.
norm dunk: Kinlochleven
stephen dutch: Somewhere Down The Crazy River
norm dunk: Glencorse Res
Andreas Mundt ( roquesgallery ): Sunrise over the port of Hamburg..... Honey, time’s just gonna hit on you
andrefromont: Derniers feux
José Ramón Sáinz: Andrin - Asturias - Spain
gianni358: Burkina Faso: Tramonto sulla "brousse" - Sunset on the "brousse"
Gianluigi Roda Photography: Nebbia di mezz'estate nell'abetaia de La Badia || Afternoon midsummer fog in the pine forest of La Badia
dudulandes: seignosse foret landaise the forest france
Yechmat: Il suffira d'un cygne...
caspar40: Medieval Groningen, The Netherlands
Trust2o Visiøn: We Are Not Afraid Of The Dark