Michel Jansen: Wizard of Oz prototype
Michel Jansen: Wizard of Oz prototype
Michel Jansen: Peter, testing for science
Michel Jansen: IMG_0645
Michel Jansen: rayban-parody
Michel Jansen: IR Lamp
Michel Jansen: Extreme Programming
Michel Jansen: Testing the experiment setup
Michel Jansen: Testing the experiment setup
Michel Jansen: Testing the experiment setup
Michel Jansen: Interview during the pilot test
Michel Jansen: Robots like interactive tables too
Michel Jansen: Close-up of anemones and creatures
Michel Jansen: The team testing the system
Michel Jansen: The team testing the system
Michel Jansen: Michel testing the system
Michel Jansen: Boris testing the system
Michel Jansen: DSCF3551
Michel Jansen: Daniël testing the system
Michel Jansen: Daniël testing the table
Michel Jansen: Overview of the projection
Michel Jansen: Anemone projection on a table
Michel Jansen: Anemone projection on a table
Michel Jansen: Rigging MAC Berlijn
Michel Jansen: Testing the rig at MAC Berlijn
Michel Jansen: Beamermontage
Michel Jansen: Close up of the projection
Michel Jansen: Barophanging MAC Berlijn
Michel Jansen: Achterkant TV-constructie MAC Berlijn
Michel Jansen: Installing Anemone for Intetain2009