Michal Ginter:
Michal Ginter:
when i grow up, i'll be a sauna
Michal Ginter:
ujezd across
Michal Ginter:
Michal Ginter:
Michal Ginter:
Michal Ginter:
Michal Ginter:
ready to plant different angle
Michal Ginter:
ready to plant
Michal Ginter:
dusk in ujezd three
Michal Ginter:
dusk in ujezd too
Michal Ginter:
dusk in ujezd
Michal Ginter:
water lillies
Michal Ginter:
Michal Ginter:
Michal Ginter:
replanted pumpkins by albert
Michal Ginter:
zucchini by albert
Michal Ginter:
albert's kingdom by albert
Michal Ginter:
waterlily in our pond
Michal Ginter:
frost one - jinovatka jedna
Michal Ginter:
frost six - jinovatka šest
Michal Ginter:
levicove sazenicky - left-leaning seadlings
Michal Ginter:
after a week of rain 3 - po týdnu deště 3
Michal Ginter:
kosatce - irises
Michal Ginter:
jedle - fir
Michal Ginter:
bez - elderberry
Michal Ginter:
albert in his kingdom - albert ve svém království
Michal Ginter:
albert in his kingdom - albert ve svém království II
Michal Ginter:
the first pumpkin - první dýně
Michal Ginter:
indian runners three