Michal Ginter: sunset 2
Michal Ginter: fly in my ointment
Michal Ginter: by st catherine - u svaté kateřiny
Michal Ginter: on the way back from falcon watching - cestou zpět z pozorování sokolů
Michal Ginter: insect dance - hmyzí tanec
Michal Ginter: insect dance - hmyzí tanec
Michal Ginter: insect dance - hmyzí tanec
Michal Ginter: climber
Michal Ginter: climber attack 1
Michal Ginter: climber attack 2
Michal Ginter: climber attack 3
Michal Ginter: next to the moon
Michal Ginter: moon behind
Michal Ginter: Cabilao sunset
Michal Ginter: Cabilao sunset
Michal Ginter: Chinese Dragon and a Pheasant
Michal Ginter: phiphi_27
Michal Ginter: phiphi_26
Michal Ginter: phiphi_25
Michal Ginter: phiphi_24
Michal Ginter: gate to ? - brána do ?
Michal Ginter: hintertux
Michal Ginter: the hound of manhattanville
Michal Ginter: glad we went today
Michal Ginter: Double Rainbow