michafink: Buntspecht - Great Spotted Woodpecker
michafink: Buntspecht
michafink: Great Spotted Woodpecker (March '23)
michafink: Juveniler Buntspecht - Juvenile Spotted Woodpecker
michafink: Great Spotted Woodpecker - Dendrocopos major
michafink: Buntspecht - Dendrocopos major
michafink: Buntspecht - Pico picapinos
michafink: Threat to the conspecific
michafink: Buntspecht
michafink: Great spotted woodpecker in flight
michafink: Die Fortsetzung des Spechtakels
michafink: Spechtakulär ;-)
michafink: Startender Buntspecht - Starting Great Spotted Woodpecker
michafink: Versteckspiel - Hide and seek
michafink: Great Spotted Woodpecker - Dendrocopos major
michafink: Buntspecht - Dendrocopos major
michafink: Great Spotted Woodpecker - Buntspecht
michafink: Curiosity - Neugier
michafink: Junger Buntspecht - Juvenile spotted woodpecker
michafink: Great Spotted Woodpecker (juvenile) - Buntspecht im Jugendkleid
michafink: Great Spotted Woodpecker (f) - Buntspecht (f)