michaelz1: The Chapel marquee
michaelz1: Before the show 1
michaelz1: Before the show 2
michaelz1: Red Room Orchestra 1
michaelz1: Red Room Orchestra 2
michaelz1: Marc Capelle 1
michaelz1: Beth Vandervennet and Dina Maccabee 1
michaelz1: Michael Urbano
michaelz1: Eli Crews 1
michaelz1: Bart Davenport, Karina Denike, and Meryl Theo Press
michaelz1: Red Room Orchestra 3
michaelz1: Bill Ortiz
michaelz1: Scott Larson
michaelz1: Tom Griesser
michaelz1: Ben Goldberg
michaelz1: Chris Redd, "Stereo Customer," and Arline Klatt
michaelz1: Red Room Orchestra 4
michaelz1: Margaret Cho 1
michaelz1: Red Room Orchestra 5
michaelz1: Tom Ayres
michaelz1: Red Room Orchestra 6
michaelz1: Eli Crews 2
michaelz1: Beth Lisick
michaelz1: Red Room Orchestra 7
michaelz1: Chris Redd, Karina Denike, and Meryl Theo Press
michaelz1: Chris Redd 1
michaelz1: Allyson Baker
michaelz1: Bart Davenport
michaelz1: Evan Capelle
michaelz1: Red Room Orchestra 8