Michael Tinkler: one of the many statues of Hercules at the Met
Michael Tinkler: Bearded Hercules in the Met
Michael Tinkler: What do you do if you own a million things?
Michael Tinkler: What do you do if you own a miilion things?
Michael Tinkler: The creepiest thing in the Greek Rooms
Michael Tinkler: The muppitiest thing in the Greek Rooms
Michael Tinkler: Love hurts - or maybe Love is funny
Michael Tinkler: Trebonianus Gallus
Michael Tinkler: Trebonianus Gallus
Michael Tinkler: Trebonianus Gallus
Michael Tinkler: Looking at you looking at us.
Michael Tinkler: Armor at the Met
Michael Tinkler: Armor at the Met
Michael Tinkler: Marble Sarcophagus with Garlands and the myth of Theseus and Ariadne
Michael Tinkler: Marble Sarcophagus with Garlands and the myth of Theseus and Ariadne - Bear-drawn Chariot
Michael Tinkler: Marble Sarcophagus with Garlands and the myth of Theseus and Ariadne. Boar-drawn Chariot
Michael Tinkler: Caracalla at the Met - marble
Michael Tinkler: Caracalla at the Met - marble
Michael Tinkler: Caracalla at the Met - bronze
Michael Tinkler: Caracalla at the Met - bronze
Michael Tinkler: Diana with a Deer (or maybe Artemis)
Michael Tinkler: Sarcophagus with Dionysus Riding a Panther
Michael Tinkler: Sarcophagus with Dionysus Riding a Panther
Michael Tinkler: Sarcophagus with Dionysus Riding a Panther
Michael Tinkler: Temple of Dendur at the Met
Michael Tinkler: Temple of Dendur at the Met