pacificomichael: 251a Email for May 4 information 1-6-2000
pacificomichael: 251b Email from organizer of May 4 , 1970 School of Journalism Alumni Reunion 1-6-200
pacificomichael: 251c Email for May 4 information 1-4-2000
pacificomichael: 251d Email With Comments on Mike and Kendra's May 4, 1970 Website by 1970 KSU Student, 1-5-2000
pacificomichael: 251e Email With Comments on Mike and Kendra's May 4, 1970 Website and Request for get together by James Loewen, Author of Lies Across America, 1-20-2000
pacificomichael: 251f Email from Professor Emeritus, KSU, Henry Halem Critiqueing May 4 Task Force and offering suggestions in response to a funding denial for the group, 3-28-2001
pacificomichael: 251g Email from Grad Student at Columbia University requesting interview, 4-7-2001
pacificomichael: 251h Email from Roger DiPaolo responding to a request to use Roger's May 4 Archive Material on Mike and Kendra's May 4, 1970 Website, with Basic Bio 10-14-1999, First Page
pacificomichael: 251h Email from Roger DiPaolo responding to a request to use Roger's May 4 Archive Material on Mike and Kendra's May 4, 1970 Website, with Basic Bio 10-14-1999, Second Page
pacificomichael: 251j Email from Michael Pacifico to Roger DiPaolo notifying him on posting his KSU Archive donated Gym Strugge Artifacts on Mike and Kendra's 5-4-70 Website, 10-16-99
pacificomichael: 251k Reaction of Roger DiPaolo to his archival material on Mike and Kendra's May 4 Website. 10-19-99
pacificomichael: 251m backside to 251k, Comments of Website by admirer, 10-18-99
pacificomichael: 251n Email from Veteran alleging being in combat in Vietnam on May 4, 1970 , 3-4-2001
pacificomichael: 251o Response to to my response to inquiry 251g from Columbia University Grad Student for interview, 4-8-2001
pacificomichael: 251p Email Request from Deanna for information on Kent St Massacre 1-8-2000
pacificomichael: 251q Email from Carolyn Sue Richards and her May 4 remembrances 4-1-2001
pacificomichael: 251r Email with results of project and thanking me for helping her Julia, 2-16-2000