michael.mcc: Studying I
michael.mcc: Studying II
michael.mcc: The strip
michael.mcc: Wall bather.
michael.mcc: IMG_8728
michael.mcc: IMG_8721
michael.mcc: High five
michael.mcc: IMG_8710
michael.mcc: IMG_8664
michael.mcc: IMG_8655
michael.mcc: IMG_8654
michael.mcc: IMG_8634
michael.mcc: One ride.
michael.mcc: IMG_8562
michael.mcc: IMG_8523
michael.mcc: IMG_8507
michael.mcc: IMG_8475
michael.mcc: IMG_8443
michael.mcc: IMG_8421
michael.mcc: IMG_8416
michael.mcc: IMG_8370
michael.mcc: IMG_8248
michael.mcc: Vapour trail
michael.mcc: Surfin'
michael.mcc: The other photographer