Michael Kuhle: Rock the house
Michael Kuhle: Take charge
Michael Kuhle: Grindin'
Michael Kuhle: Blue's Dudes
Michael Kuhle: Crowd surf
Michael Kuhle: Against the wall
Michael Kuhle: Who me?
Michael Kuhle: R.I.P. Billy
Michael Kuhle: Need some paper
Michael Kuhle: Toilet Boyz
Michael Kuhle: Bass in your face
Michael Kuhle: Jason was here
Michael Kuhle: I'll house you
Michael Kuhle: He looks way too authentic
Michael Kuhle: Guitar solo
Michael Kuhle: Bass in your face
Michael Kuhle: The whole scurvy band
Michael Kuhle: Bass in your Face
Michael Kuhle: Choke the Banana
Michael Kuhle: Step on it!
Michael Kuhle: Number 17
Michael Kuhle: Fall Down
Michael Kuhle: Fall In
Michael Kuhle: Teenagers from Mars
Michael Kuhle: Ghouls Nite Out
Michael Kuhle: We are 138
Michael Kuhle: Where Eagles Dare
Michael Kuhle: Who Killed Marilyn?
Michael Kuhle: Too Much Horror Business