Michael W Klotz - The Bird Blogger.com: Blue-black Grosbeak - San Ignacio, Belize
Michael W Klotz - The Bird Blogger.com: Pyrrhuloxia - Tubac, AZ
Michael W Klotz - The Bird Blogger.com: Lazuli Bunting - Vaseux Bluff, BC
Michael W Klotz - The Bird Blogger.com: Northern Cardinal - Wailea, HI
Michael W Klotz - The Bird Blogger.com: Black-headed Grosbeak - Pitt Meadows, BC
Michael W Klotz - The Bird Blogger.com: Lazuli Bunting - Kamloops, BC
Michael W Klotz - The Bird Blogger.com: Northern Cardinal - Cranbrook, BC
Michael W Klotz - The Bird Blogger.com: Summer Tanager - Vancouver, BC
Michael W Klotz - The Bird Blogger.com: Lazuli's Bunting - Osoyoos Cottages, BC
Michael W Klotz - The Bird Blogger.com: Western Tanager - Meadow lake, BC
Michael W Klotz - The Bird Blogger.com: Western Tanager Poplar- Meadow Lake, BC
Michael W Klotz - The Bird Blogger.com: Black-headed Grosbeak - Sturgeon Slough, BC
Michael W Klotz - The Bird Blogger.com: Dickcissel - 10 Mile Pond, MO
Michael W Klotz - The Bird Blogger.com: Indigo Bunting - 10 Mile Pond, MO
Michael W Klotz - The Bird Blogger.com: Black-headed Grosbeak - Grouse Mountain Base, BC
Michael W Klotz - The Bird Blogger.com: Northern Cardinal - Sloss Lake, AL