Michael W Klotz - The Bird Blogger.com: Crimson-collared Tanager - Cockscomb Basin Nature Preserve, SC, BZ
Michael W Klotz - The Bird Blogger.com: Blue-Grey Tanager -Burrell Boom, Belize
Michael W Klotz - The Bird Blogger.com: White-collared Seedeater Female - Blue Creek, Belize
Michael W Klotz - The Bird Blogger.com: Blue-black Grassquit 2 - Blue Creek, TO, Belize
Michael W Klotz - The Bird Blogger.com: Yellow-billed Cardinal - Mahaiula Bay, HI
Michael W Klotz - The Bird Blogger.com: White-lined Tanager - Cativa, Panama
Michael W Klotz - The Bird Blogger.com: Palm Tanager - Cativa, Panama
Michael W Klotz - The Bird Blogger.com: White-shouldered Tanager - Gatun Locks, Panama
Michael W Klotz - The Bird Blogger.com: Red-legged Honeycreeper - Chiriquicito, Panama
Michael W Klotz - The Bird Blogger.com: Blue-gray Tanager - Anton Valley, Panama
Michael W Klotz - The Bird Blogger.com: Yellow-faced Grassquit - Anton Valley, Pamama
Michael W Klotz - The Bird Blogger.com: Blue Dacnis - Gamboa, Panama
Michael W Klotz - The Bird Blogger.com: Blue-Gray Tanager - Selva Negra, Nicaragua
Michael W Klotz - The Bird Blogger.com: Cuban Bullfinch - Santo Tomas, CU