Michael W Klotz - The Bird Blogger.com: Ruddy Turnstone - Key Largo, FL
Michael W Klotz - The Bird Blogger.com: Pectoral Sandpiper - Delta, BC
Michael W Klotz - The Bird Blogger.com: Whimbrel in Flight - Malibu, CA
Michael W Klotz - The Bird Blogger.com: Least Sandpiper - Malibu, CA
Michael W Klotz - The Bird Blogger.com: Lesser yellowlegs - Richmond, BC
Michael W Klotz - The Bird Blogger.com: Red-necked Phalarope - Richmond, BC
Michael W Klotz - The Bird Blogger.com: Western Sandpiper & Sanderlings - Richmond, BC
Michael W Klotz - The Bird Blogger.com: Western Sandpipers & Sanderlings - Richmond, BC
Michael W Klotz - The Bird Blogger.com: Long-billed Curlew - Crescent Beach, BC
Michael W Klotz - The Bird Blogger.com: Hudsonian Godwit - Delta, BC
Michael W Klotz - The Bird Blogger.com: Solitary Sandpiper - Tucson, AZ
Michael W Klotz - The Bird Blogger.com: Spotted Sandpiper - Punta Gorda, Belize
Michael W Klotz - The Bird Blogger.com: Northern Jacana - Burmudian Landing, Belize
Michael W Klotz - The Bird Blogger.com: Dunlin - Crescent Beach, BC
Michael W Klotz - The Bird Blogger.com: Semi-palmated Sandpiper
Michael W Klotz - The Bird Blogger.com: Marbled Godwit - Huntington Beach, CA
Michael W Klotz - The Bird Blogger.com: Willet - White Rock, BC
Michael W Klotz - The Bird Blogger.com: Wilson's Phalarope - Robert Lake, BC
Michael W Klotz - The Bird Blogger.com: Sanderlings and Western Sandpipers - Richmond, BC
Michael W Klotz - The Bird Blogger.com: Wandering Tattler - Richmond, BC
Michael W Klotz - The Bird Blogger.com: Black Turnstone - Tsawwassen, BC
Michael W Klotz - The Bird Blogger.com: Western Sandpiper - Crescent Beach, BC
Michael W Klotz - The Bird Blogger.com: Least Sandpiper - Crescent Beach, BC
Michael W Klotz - The Bird Blogger.com: Ruddy Turnstone - Kona, HI