Michael W Klotz - The Bird Blogger.com:
Double-crested Cormorant - Everglades, FL
Michael W Klotz - The Bird Blogger.com:
Pelagic Cormorant - North Vancouver, BC
Michael W Klotz - The Bird Blogger.com:
Neotropic Cormorant - Gilbert, Arizona
Michael W Klotz - The Bird Blogger.com:
Neotropic Coromorant - San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua
Michael W Klotz - The Bird Blogger.com:
Double-crested Cormorant - Grebe Islet, BC
Michael W Klotz - The Bird Blogger.com:
Double-Crested Cormorant - Vancouver Harbor, BC
Michael W Klotz - The Bird Blogger.com:
Pelagic Cormorant - Vancouver Harbor, BC
Michael W Klotz - The Bird Blogger.com:
Brandt's Comorant - Sandheads, BC