michaeliao27: DSC_0356Gao-mei wetland Taichung ,Taiwan
michaeliao27: DSC_0073 Gao-mei wetland Taichung ,Taiwan
michaeliao27: DSC_0191~1 Sunset at Gao-mei wetland Taichung ,Taiwan
michaeliao27: DSC_0232 Sunset at Gao-mei wetland Taichung ,Taiwan
michaeliao27: DSC_0242 Sunset at Gao-mei Wetland Taichung,Taiwan
michaeliao27: DSC_0064 to see and enjoy
michaeliao27: DSC_0038 Gao-mei Wetland Taichung,Taiwan
michaeliao27: DSC_0327~3
michaeliao27: DSC_0349~3 鵲橋情定會高美
michaeliao27: DSC_0362 鵲橋情定會高美
michaeliao27: _DSC2346 sunset glow at Gao-mei
michaeliao27: DSC_1165 Gao-mei wetland Taichung ,Taiwan
michaeliao27: DSC_0393 Gao-mei wetland Taichung ,Taiwan
michaeliao27: DSC_0346~1 sunset glow at wetland
michaeliao27: DSC_0081 sunset glow at wetland
michaeliao27: DSC_0795~1 Photography
michaeliao27: DSC_0772 Sunset glow at wetland
michaeliao27: DSC_0802 Setting sun at wetland
michaeliao27: DSC_0765 Sunset at wetland
michaeliao27: DSC_0042~2 Sunset at wetland
michaeliao27: DSC_0698 Sunset at wetland
michaeliao27: DSC_0197~1 Gao-mei wetland Taichung ,Taiwan
michaeliao27: DSC_0123
michaeliao27: DSC_0359戲水弄潮
michaeliao27: DSC_0346~1 Gao-mei wetland Taichung ,Taiwan
michaeliao27: DSC_0042~2 淌佯午后 enjoy Afternoon
michaeliao27: _DSC0186 Sunset in the beach
michaeliao27: _DSC1316 Sunset At Gao-mei Wetland