michaelhenley: Roof of Jokang
michaelhenley: Lhasa main plaza
michaelhenley: Potala from afar
michaelhenley: Debating Monks
michaelhenley: The Fifth Beatle?
michaelhenley: Local Entertainment
michaelhenley: Tibetan nightclub...yay!
michaelhenley: Tashilhunpo monastery from afar
michaelhenley: Tashilhunpo Temple
michaelhenley: Look out below...
michaelhenley: Gold Roof
michaelhenley: Gold Sculpture
michaelhenley: River
michaelhenley: A Valley
michaelhenley: Ruins
michaelhenley: The Drivers
michaelhenley: The Base Camp Taxi Rank
michaelhenley: Everest
michaelhenley: Base Camp Post Office
michaelhenley: Mountain Ridge
michaelhenley: Public Transport
michaelhenley: River
michaelhenley: Cairn
michaelhenley: Circle Stone
michaelhenley: Fancy a dip?
michaelhenley: Through the mist
michaelhenley: Down the valley...
michaelhenley: Glacial Morraine
michaelhenley: Rock Formations